Sunday, November 2, 2014

Why I am not an Arminian

Two days ago, while the world was celebrating Halloween, Protestant Christian Churches all over the world remembered the most significant event which happened in 1517 on the same day, when Luther nailed the 95 thesis and rebuking the wicked practices of Catholic church, as Reformation day.

I think that this was one of the world’s most significant event which turned the history upside down because Reformation is the reason for the spread of the gospel all over the world and it is only because of reformation, true Christians were able to read the Bible in their own language. Most of the world renowned educational institutions, orphanages, missionary activities and medical philanthropic missions can be directly linked to the fruits of Reformation.

In spite of all these legacies, many of the 21st century Protestants hardly would have heard of Luther’s name. Among those who know about Luther hardly know about the debate which he had with a Catholic called Erasmus refuting the doctrine of Free will through his book, “The bondage of the Will”.

Now most of the evangelicals believe in Free Will and a theological system called Arminianism or Semi-Pelagianism. There are various arguments to disprove Arminianism from Scripture. Yet here in this article, I would address few of it, which convinced me that Arminianism is not Biblical.
Those who want to know what Arminianism is, click here

1)      Arminianism undermines the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross:

According to Arminians, Jesus Christ has died for the all the sins of the whole world. If that is the case, everyone should be in heaven. Hell should contain only Satan and his evil angels. But Bible clearly says that there will be some men who will be going to hell (Mat 7:23). If men are going to hell inspite of what Christ death on the cross, by logic that implies that the blood of Christ was not sufficient enough for those in hell to be saved.

Armininans would say that those men are thrown to hell because they did not choose Christ out of their free will. So by implication, Christians are saved only by the ‘choice’ which they took in believing Christ because of their ‘free will’. This creates an even greater problem and I would tell you why. If the act of ‘choosing Christ by Free Will’ is what is going to make a difference between heaven and hell, then the death of Christ on the cross is of no primary importance. A person can go to hell due to his choice inspite of what Christ did for him on the cross.

On the contrary, Bible says that the death of Christ on the cross is enough to save the person from the punishment of Hell.

He (Christ) entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption. (Heb 9:12)

Samson, David, etc at times took bad choices and sinned yet they were not sent to hell because they were elect and Christ had died for all of their sins including their bad choices and thus became champions of faith (Hebrew 11). So the blood of Christ is powerful than the evil choices of the elect.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. (Joh 10:27-28)

Christ had died specifically for His elect. Thus His death is sufficient and specific to save them from all the sins including their evil choices.

2)      Armininanism undermines the power of God in prayer:

Bible says we should pray for unbelievers that they will be saved (2The 3:1). If man has ‘Free will’ to not to choose God, then why pray for unbelievers to be saved? By implication of Arminianism, no matter how much we pray, no matter how much grace God gives, a person can frustrate God’s grace by using his ‘free will’ not to choose Christ? This would discourage me from praying for a person because only his choice can save him from his sins ultimately.

But we pray because, Bible says that God hears the righteous prayers (James 5:16) and changes the hearts of unbelievers to be saved. Because only God can change a person’s heart. No man can change his heart by his own.

I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. (Eze 36:25-26)

Here we can see it is God who gives a new heart and removes the heart of flesh. Only then a person will have a desire to love Christ. If you think you can change a person’s heart by your own power, then you will only be disappointed by your failure because only God can create a new heart and no one else can. The only thing which we can do is to pray for that person to change and to preach the gospel continuously and commanding him to repent.

3)      Arminianism undermines the sinfulness of man:

If a sinful man is sent to hell because of sin of not choosing Christ, by implication, those who are going to heaven are better and morally good than those going to hell since they have chosen Christ. So that means that there is some inherent goodness in those who are going to heaven, which made them choose Christ. This view not only can give us pride and a sense of superiority over unbelievers but also undermines the glory of God.

Rather Bible says all men have equally sinned in the eyes of God and all men are totally depraved. There is no inherent goodness of man.

"None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. (Rom 3:10-11)

Thus there is nothing inherent in man to choose God. Only God can supernaturally enable a man to choose Christ.

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you. (Joh 15:16)

Free will theology is wrong, unbiblical and can dishonour God if practically applied. Thus I am not an Armininan.

If you have liked reading this, you can also read O Faithless Generation! and also Two Dangerous Sins which A Reformed Christian can face