Sunday, June 29, 2014

Students, Learn for the Glory of God!

In India, the most important thing for a child to do in life is to study the basic sciences in school and to get a good grade. This society believes in getting good grades in schools as the highest achievement which a student can ever get. This continues till the time of college and even at work. For the past 21 years, from the time of my schooling till now, I have been studying. I was also brought up with the ultimate motive of studying for my own self-glorification. And to achieve this goal, there are many ways and tips which the secular world teaches us. Most of it is based on worldly, devilish motives and often it does more harm than good.
It is to be noted that only after protestant reformation, universities and schools were established. It is biblical idea to learn arts and sciences related to day to day life from our elders and teachers since it is a creation mandate (Gen 1:28). Yet often, we are no different than the unbelievers in our motives of studying these sciences. Let us see the biblical way to achieve this end:

1) Studying for the glory of God:

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. (1Co 10:31)

In the old testament times, when God showed His glory to the Israelites in the wilderness, they would tremble and fear. That fear is out of reverence and absolute purity of God that the sinfulness of them would be so clearly perceived and they tremble upon ashamed. In the new covenant, God has called us to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice (Rom 12:2) for the glory of God. What a great privilege which we have in Christ! This should be the motive of our life in each and everything which we do.  Even while we are studying, we should study so that the name of the God be glorified in our work. Many students study just for passing in exams or getting selected in a desired vocation. Some go for special class to be motivated to study after seeing others studying. If that is our goal, then that is idolatry and we are disobeying the 1st commandment.

2) Myth of memory power:

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. (Pro 1:7)

There is a belief among students that some are genetically superior that they are very studious when compared to others. In order to acquire more memory, they follow man made rules and restriction to achieve the feat. It is noteworthy that some are blessed with more wisdom to remember what they study, but that does not make them inherently superior.

It has been proven that sense experience is not necessary for learning. For example, we don’t have any sense inputs in our brain while we are dreaming yet we are able to remember those dreams. How are we able to do that? If Brain is the seat of memory, then how dead people who are in heaven or in hell able to have memory while their body is in the earth? (Remember Lazarus-Rich man Parable? Read my article on Science for more info on senses)

This just proves that no one is inherently having higher memory than others but rather it is God who gives more memory to individuals by His own Sovereign Will. And we as Christians students, we should study for the glory of God rather than pleasing men. That should be the motive of our studies. Even if we can’t remember the things which we study, if we are consistently working hard and preparing, then God would bless our efforts and He would give us the reward in the right time.

3) Revision is the means by which God gives us memory:

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. (Jos 1:8)

Though God is the one who makes us remember the information of sciences which we learn, it is our duty to be responsible and hardworking, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. (Eph 5:16). It is God who is omniscient, who knows everything. So it would not be difficult for God to bestow us with the information directly in our minds without we reading and studying from books. But God has used books as a means through which He chose to give information so that we would be growing in our knowledge to test us whether we are obedient to His commands. If we truly love Him, we would follow His means of acquiring knowledge, which is by repetitive recollection of what we studied.

Learning is a Godly affair. Let us continue in our pursuits of knowledge with the God glorifying, Christ exalting goal and seek to bring God’s kingdom in this earth.

If you have liked this, you can also read When a Christian goes to college

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